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Sunday, July 15, 2012

PostHeaderIcon Junjou Romantica: Junjou Egoist

      This is the other couple from Junjou Romatica which is named "Junjou Egoist"

       The Main Characters from Junjou Egoist is Kamijou Hiroki a Man who holds a unrequited love from his childhood friend which is Usami Akihiko from Junjou Romatica, he tryied to force his love on him but since Akihiko already love someone else (From that time it was Misaki's Older Brother which is also a unrequited love but sooner or later he will fall for Misaki) he gave him up and leaves Hiroki into a broken hearted man and then when Hiroki is crying in a bench Kusami Nowaki which is a orpahned found him and since then their fate together started but the strunggles is since Hiroki is older then Nowaki (Nowaki means "typhoon") then as they face great challenges and so on and sop fort, you can check out their love story if you check out Junjou Romatica section.

Woah! Nowaki undressing Hiroki >///<

     There are two more couples which makes them three in Junjou Romantica Check the other two Story if this Interest you and Check out Junjou Romantica section if you wish to find update of this manga thank you.

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