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Saturday, July 14, 2012

PostHeaderIcon Information Sites to Contact Me!!

            This is my fist Blog the official opening is last July 14, 2012 but anyway,  just in case that you wanted to contact me in the near future here are the following Sites and Emails to contact me:

My Email:
that's the my email that you could redirect your questions or your just trying to get an advise to me personally , here's is the format to The email content
  • Subject: "Ask Asakura"
  • Content: Name:
  •               Problem/Question:
My email is not only asking questions, you can also say hi to me, but follow the pattern above, if you don't follow the pattern/Instruction above you won't get a reply or answer to me because i'll consider this spam message thank you.

Remember I check my emails ones's a week so.. i'm sorry if your emailed problems/questions is not answered immediately. 

You can also make friends with me in Facebook:
FB Name: Asakura Ishikawa
FB Email: hokkybaby_lavender@yahoo.com( don't use this email to contact me because i delete everything from this email thanks! )
but you can just click the URL below to be redirected to my Profile!
if you are posting in my facebook page please follow the content so that i know that you know my blog and one of my fine readers thanks!

  • Blog Reader <Name>
  • Message:

     You can also contact me to the following Sites:
They are my  page in Facebook, please visit them and like thanks!! if you are posting in here also please follow the content above thank you.

Thank you for contacting me and visiting my blog!!


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