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Sunday, July 22, 2012

PostHeaderIcon Stray Rellik: Chapter 1

                In the middle of the night, in a street where all voices sleeps, rapid footsteps echoes through out back alley walls, three unknown people chasing another unknown man, heavy breathing can be heard made by the man that is being chased about, and as they chase around the dark alley the man had been finally been cornered by the three mysterious people.
“haa… give me another chance I promise that I’ll never do that again” the huge black man with deep voice begged
“I’m sorry but even how much you begged, we couldn’t do anything anymore” the mysterious man with dark violet hair sparkling in the night said
“please… I’ll make up for it I promise hey! We have something right please don’t just waste it”
“heheh!! I’m sooooo sorry but we couldn’t really spare you, anyone who have seen much must perish, but since we did have something will make it quick” A mysterious girl said
“enough!” A intelligent looking man with glasses and sharp eyes said “you should be thankful that she let us chase you with the three of us, normally she’ll only send in one but she had praise your strength by sending us”
“Sorry but I can’t die here” the man moved his hands and faced his palm into the three mysterious people but nothing happened “What?!”
“hehe! I’m sorry but your powers won’t work anymore” the guy with the glasses said “look at your tattoo, I hope you already know that tattoo is a sign of your contract and loyalty to Alice, and also the source of your strength and power, basically it is Alice who gave you that strength of yours, but since your tattoo has already started disappearing, it just means that Alice had discarded of you already”
“In short she already cut the contract between the two of you nya~” the girl said
“enough talk let’s finish this” A sharp blade came out from the guy with violet hair’s two sleeves and slashed the man, the man couldn’t do anything and blood started splattering all over the place, the man died and lost its left arm “hmph! How dare he use his powers after betraying the our lady”
“that’s enough let’s go, Syartsa clean this mess” the man with the glasses said then he disappeared while the other guy started to jump on roofs and disappeared too.
“What!? You’ll let me clean the mess again!!! Tsk!” the girl started howling and five wolves and three dogs appeared “here you go, this is tonight’s dinner enjoy!!, I’m sorry good fella you are nice and all but your just a worthless piece  of trash” The wolves and the wild dogs started eating the man’s dead body until nothing has been left to be seen by any living human, even the blood spills are licked clean, then Syartsa started calling out something else then a huge flying fire fox appeared “Migu let’s go back!” then she jump on the huge beast and they started flying away.
                Mean while In a unknown room a little girl with a crown holding a plushy bunny toy sitting near the book shelves while holding a paper ball, it seems that it is handmade, with the other mysterious people, then the man with glasses entered it seems he came back faster than the other three from earlier.
“my lady the traitor had been terminated” The little girl did not reply “shall we find his replacement? Will start searching if you’ll give us the go signal”
“hahah!! Then this time will search for a stronger a loyal one” A over grown muscular man with a big axe in his back and has a deep voice said
“and when we try to search for one I hope this one will last, I mean all the people who became the thirteen couldn’t even last 3 weeks with us” the gorgeous woman covered in strings said with a pity look and soft low voice
“yes I agree, it’s either they die or will kill them because they’ll quit, escape, or betrayed us” the guy with the glasses looks serious
“I’ll go find a strong one let’s go!!!” the huge man said
“no need…” the little girl started speaking
“what we are not going to find the thirteen but how about your sea..”
“I have found him” the little girl started strong the paper ball upward
“found him but how’s that possible” the huge man is confused
“I have chosen him”
“then if you have, we have no questions at all, then who is he, what does he do, is he a police, butcher,  or a criminal where does he stay? We should know so that we could pick him up and commence the next ceremony since the next full moon is already on his way” the guy with glasses started to take a small notebook and a pencil out and started writing
“no need I’ll go meet him personally” the little girl said
“What!?” the guy with glasses is shocked
“well this a first, our lady would normally let us pick this new guy up” the woman in string cloths seems interested to this new guy
“well at least let us know who this guy is, where did you meet him?”
“we haven’t meet” the little girl destroyed the paper ball
“then how did you…”
“I’ll meet him personally on the next commencing full moon” the little stand up and started leaving the room
“then let us just escort you, where is the appointed place?” the guy with glasses ask
“In Red Sakura Academy”
“Academy?! is he a teacher? are you sure my lady?”
“I’m tired I’m going to bed” the little had left the room
“well… well… well…. Now I’m curious, I want to escort her, I want to see the newbie, he must be so strong that our lady has sense it’s powers without even seeing this guy in person” the strin cloth woman started fantasizing
“I wonder who it is?... well it doesn’t matter she have choice this guy, I’m sure this guy is powerful that she’ll meet him in person and all we could do is escort her, I’ll arrange the escorting team”
“I’ll go to the escorting team Van!!” The woman with string cloths insist to do so
“okay then, I think I’ll send in for members including myself to escort her” the guy with glasses or Van started to chart down notes in his small notebook
“I’ll go too!!” the huge man said, he really wanted to go
“I’m sorry Reyortsed since we’re going into a academy, a public place, you’ll catch too much antention since your too big”
“Tsk! Fine I got the point” Reyortsed obeyed obediently
“then it’s settled, I’ll call on Cigam and Teloiv, an addition to the group, I’ll tell Alice that will go there before the actual ceremony to prepare things, then I shall take my leave” He left the room
“hmm… what a pity, maybe you’ll go if we need a rock someday” the woman in string cloths chuckled
“oh! SHUT UP ENAV!” Reyortsed started to get pissed
“fine fine don’t be mad hhahah!”
Then as the two tease each other a mysterious man had taken a peck in the door, then the other two became startled and shivered because of the mysterious man’s glare
“where’sss Aliceee?” the mysterious man with cold glare ask
“umm… Efilon she already rested…” Reyortsed Intensely answered him
“I seeeee…. Have they found the new thirteennnnn?”
“ah! Yes they have and the operation will recommence before the next full moon, in f-fact the lady will go meet the chosen personally” Enav said while sweating a lot
“is that soooo…..” Efilon suddenly gotten quit then glared back at them again, the two got startled “I shall take my leave” then he slowly closes the door
“phew! What a relief, that guy is scary, his presence alone give me Goosebumps”
“well he is the forth and his presence alone means death, well anyway  I don’t want to get involved in anything he does” Enav said seriously
“same here…..”
Then the preparation for the next full moon is being prepared well by Van, somewhere in another room field with old dusty text books Van mumbles stuff and wrote notes in his small notebook
“The next full moon is near…, well then whoever is this guy I have to make this happen for the sake of our lady, now then…” he had taken off his glasses and his eyes became green “Countera!” then he started manipulating tactical plans and possible scenarios with exact date and measurements in his small notebook and he makes plan for the meeting all night.

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